Armidale Light Festival
What’s on inArmidale?

Armidale Events

Click to view the Summer 2024/25 events calendar! (PDF 1MB), or view the list below.

No matter what time of year you visit, chances are there will be an event or festival in or around Armidale.

Events not to be missed include the Autumn Festival, Big Chill Festival, The Bach Festival, The New England Garden Festival, Armidale International Film Festival and Guyra Lamb and Potato Festival. Other great annual events include New England Sings, The Armidale Cup, Guyra Trout Festival, Armidale Youth Orchestra Garden Party, Vintage Truck, Machinery and Heavy Horse Show and the NEGS Equestrian events. The calendar is full with premier sport events including the TAS Rugby Carnivals, Tour de Rocks and the 12hr Mountain Bike Enduro.

Have an event to add to the calendar?

Fun and Friendship Evening

Curtis Park 75 Faulkner Street, ARMIDALE, NSW, Australia

Come along for a relaxing evening, catch up with friends and meet some new people. Enjoy a simple sausage sizzle and fun games. ALL WELCOME: young, old and in-between! Co-sponsored by ANTaR Armidale, Minimbah School and Amarjun Health Service.


Fun & Friendship in Curtis Park

Curtis Park 75 Faulkner Street, ARMIDALE, NSW, Australia

Free event with games, a cup of soup (vegetarians catered for) and fruit. Tell you friends young, old and in-between


Annual ANTaR Reconciliation Bridge Walk

Curtis Park 75 Faulkner Street, ARMIDALE, NSW, Australia

Walk together across Stephen’s Bridge, do a circuit of Curtis Park and then gather to listen to short speeches and enjoy dance and music by Bob Blair and the Garlu Gindari Trio. It is a great opportunity to meet and chat with friends, old and new, enjoy the entertainment and have lunch together. Everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy this friendly, fun, free event. Bring a picnic – tea, coffee, sausages and curry will be provided. Organised by […]
