Guyra Cup
Armidale Racecourse 12 Barney Street, Armidale, NSW, Australia$197,500 in prizemoney, TAB 7 big races, on-course tote and local bookmakers, Canteen and full bar in operation
No matter what time of year you visit, chances are there will be an event or festival in or around Armidale.
Events not to be missed include the Autumn Festival, Big Chill Festival, The Bach Festival, The New England Garden Festival, Armidale International Film Festival and Guyra Lamb and Potato Festival. Other great annual events include New England Sings, The Armidale Cup, Guyra Trout Festival, Armidale Youth Orchestra Garden Party, Vintage Truck, Machinery and Heavy Horse Show and the NEGS Equestrian events. The calendar is full with premier sport events including the TAS Rugby Carnivals, Tour de Rocks and the 12hr Mountain Bike Enduro.
Have an event to add to the calendar?
$197,500 in prizemoney, TAB 7 big races, on-course tote and local bookmakers, Canteen and full bar in operation
$275,000 in prizemoney, $60,000 Armidale Cup, $35,000 Sprint, TAB 8 big races, on-course tote and local bookmakers, Canteen and full bar in operation. Turners of Armidale Fashion in the Field - $500 voucher Best Dressed Lady. Calcutta – Saturday, 10 December @ Servies Club from 6.00pm. For more information, please phone Jim on 02 6772 3102 or 0407 293 239.
Racing returns to Armidale this Monday. Bring the family over before they go back to school and enjoy a fun day out at the races. Seven TAB races, full bar and catering with plenty of bookies and tote.
First race at 1.16pm. Seven-race TAB race meeting, tote and local bookmakers, full bar and catering facilities. Fillies frock up, colts buck up, Fashion in the Field sponsored by Hunter Hermitage Hampers. Courtesy buses will run into town from Racecourse after last race.
First race at 1.16pm. Seven-race TAB race meeting, tote and local bookmakers, full bar and catering facilities.
First race at 1.16pm. Seven-race TAB race meeting, tote and local bookmakers, full bar and catering facilities.
Full bar and catering available. Bookmakers and TAB on course.
Full bar and catering available. Great fields for the eight-race program – country racing at its best. Bookmakers and TAB on course.
CANCELLED Come and enjoy a fantastic atmosphere at the picturesque Armidale Racecourse. A variety of pre-purchased hospitality packages available which offer the full race day experience!
Armidale Jockey Club's Spring racing season continues with a family Sunday race day at the picturesque and historic Armidale Racecourse. A variety of pre-purchased hospitality packages available for the full race day experience. Lock in the date, book your tickets and we will see you trackside!
Catch all the local racing action plus Group 1 racing from Randwick with Epsom Handicap Day. Lock in the date, book your tickets and see you trackside!
Racing is better trackside! Come and enjoy Australia's premier race, The Cox Plate, at the picturesque and historic Armidale Racecourse. Various pre-purchased hospitality packages available for the full race day experience!
Guyra Cup Day is now the traditional lead up to the Armidale Cup in December. A preview of the fun, fashion and excitement that will be on offer on Cup Day. Various pre-purchased hospitality packages available for the full race day experience. Lock in the date, book your tickets and we look forward to seeing you trackside!
Full bar and catering available. Great fields for the seven-race program – country racing at its best. Bookmakers and TAB on course
Get ready for an unforgettable day of racing thrills and elegant fun. Come along for a spectacular celebration to experience the electric atmosphere of live racing action. Whether a racing expert or a first time visitor there is something for everyone. Grab tickets now and be part of the action - where excitement meets country elegance. Don't miss out on a day of thrills, fashion and fun. Racing is better trackside! Various exclusive race day hospitality packages available - perfect […]